Have You Been Charged With Drug Possession? Choose the Powerful Defense of Dunham & Ingram

Ocala Drug Possession Defense Lawyers

Marion County Drug Crimes Attorneys

You may be charged with the crime of possession if you have knowingly possessed a controlled substance for the purpose of personal consumption or with intent to sell. Most accused individuals are under the mistaken belief that being caught with a little bit of cocaine or couple of joints in your pocket or purse is an event of small consequence.

This is not the case; being convicted of drug possession may adversely affect your life for some time:

  • You may lose your job
  • Your driver's license may be suspended
  • Your car insurance will probably go up
  • You may not be hired when applying for a job
  • You may not be allowed to enter graduate school
  • You will not be eligible for federal student aid

What Are Florida’s Drug Possession Laws?

In the state of Florida, ownership of an illegal drug has basically nothing to do with possession of that drug. Criminal drug laws in Florida do not take this into consideration. The only thing that is considered important is if you were actually in possession of the drug. There are two kinds of possession, actual or constructive.

Actual possession occurs when someone has the illegal drug on their person, such as some crack cocaine in their pocket. Constructive possession is when an individual has knowledge of the drug and also the ability to access it. This may make drug possession cases complicated.

Get Help from Dunham & Ingram!

Dunham & Ingram has defended clients against charges of possession of marijuana, cocaine, crack cocaine, ecstasy, heroin, methamphetamines, prescription drugs, drug paraphernalia, and for possession with intent to sell. We are fully committed to protecting your legal rights if you have been charged with a serious drug crime in the Ocala area.

If you have questions or concerns regarding your particular situation and how an Ocala criminal defense attorney from Dunham & Ingram can help, contact our firm today or fill out a case evaluation form to learn more about your rights and legal options.

Benefits of Choosing Dunham & Ingram LLC:

  • Experienced

    We have experience handling all types of misdemeanor and felony cases.

  • Committed

    We are committed to tirelessly protecting your rights and interests.

  • Aggressive

    We have extensive courtroom experience and know how to fight for you in trial.

  • Helpful

    We will answer any questions and make sure you understand your rights and options.